Phileas flow

Phileas Flow is the Social Innovation Platform connecting changemakers, knowmads, doers, companies and governments who are focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations (Agenda 2030). We propose an innovation ecosystem to achieve and develop challenges that connect relevant problems with solvers. Both urban and rural society will benefit from world solutions created by changemakers and knowmads. These challenges are designed to achieve the greatest impact that will result in multiplied actions in those societies.


Our team evaluates a specific problem to be solved related to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Together with public bodies, universities, private companies, we design challenges that will be solved by those individuals, teams or companies that have the solution for each challenge. Through this website and other portals, the challenges and their conditions will be published. Having done so, we will make a selection of

the registered proposals, which will be worked in depth for two days through face-to-face events. The most promising solution will receive a monetary reward to help further development.
We make a commitment to support these long-term solutions: building a community of “solvers” and monitoring their success, and social and environmental impact.


Phileas Flow was born as a reflection on the post-covid world that invites us to live with other values. The initiative arises from three friends who, working remotely, have decided be actively involved in the effective achievement of the SDGs. We fervently support the capacity of each person to create and find the best solutions to issues as important as those included in the 2030 Agenda. We call on those innovators, solvers, entrepreneurs and creatives who are working with these objectives. You are all welcome to create a better world.


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