Phileas Flow

This page offers information about the personal data treatment policy applied by Phileas Flow.

Phileas Flow considers the privacy of its customers, suppliers and all those with whom it has a relationship, to be of great importance. Therefore, it manages the following policy, in a transparent and open manner, to deal with and protect personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27th, 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data.

Responsible for the processing of personal data
The Organization Phileas Flow. The Organization from now on, is responsible for the treatment of personal data provided by users of this website and is responsible for the privacy of their treatment.

Organization Name: Phileas Flow.

Storage of personal data
Personal data is stored in the European Economic Area («EEA»). This data can be transferred outside the EEA under contracts that comply with the European Commission’s privacy rules and the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Communication of personal data
We never exchange, transfer or sell the personal data of users of this website to third parties. The data sent to third parties will be used only for the management and administration of the offered services.

Personal data protection
The company is committed to protect the stored personal data, using the technological tools and the appropriate processes. Computer security and prevention systems and information access controls are used. The employees of the company are trained to protect this information.

User rights

Right of access
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether the company is treating their personal data. The company will report on the personal data that it deals with, by electronic mail at the request of the interested user.

Portability right
The user has the right to obtain a copy of his or her data in a standard format with the personal data that he or she has provided.

Right of rectification
The user has the right to request the rectification of his or her personal data, to correct inaccurate data and complete incomplete data.

Right of suppression
The user has the right to get, without undue delay, any personal data processed by The Organization deleted at any time.

Right to oppose the processing of data based on legitimate interest
The user has the right to object to the processing of his or her personal data based on the legitimate interest of  The Organization.

The Organization will not continue processing personal data except in those cases where it can demonstrate legitimate reasons for the exercise of its rights or the formulation and defense for claims.

Right to file a claim with a control authority
The user has the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority.

If you consider that your data is treated in an incorrect way, you can notify the Organization.

Right to limitation in the processing of personal data
The user has the right to request The Organization to limit the processing of personal data, if:

– If the user opposes the processing of his or her data upon the basis of the legitimate interest of the organization, the processing of personal data will be limited until the resolution of the legitimate interest verification.

– If the organization no longer needs personal data, but the user needs them for the exercise or defense of claims.

– If the user communicates errors in the personal data, the organization will limit the treatment until its verification.

– If the treatment does not comply with the law, the user may oppose the deletion of personal data and request limitation of the use thereof.

Exercise of rights
To exercise his or her rights, the user can contact the organization at:

Delegate of Data Protection:
The Organization Delegate of Data Protection is responsible for personal data management. You can contact by writing to:

Personal data protection
Under the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal information you provide will be stored and processed in files owned by Phileas Flow in order to comply with your request and the provision of the requested service, as well as to keep you informed, including by electronic means, about matters related to the activity of the company and its services. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data by email to The Organization.

Updates to the Privacy Policy
The latest version of the Privacy Policy is available on the website. The Organization will communicate any changes to its personal data processing policy.