Phileas Flow

Challenge 04


An innovative solution that promotes consumer awareness of sustainable water consumption

Photo by Pexels, Greta Hoffman
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Case Study


Phileas Flow has participated in the organization of the Climathon Sevilla together with Filosolar, Amalgama Desarrollo, Ok Planet Sevilla. It has been developed between November 19 to 21 of that year.

Seville City Council has participated in the initiative as an institutional partner. Companies and associations such as PCT Cartuja, EMASESA, Aborgase, Cátedra de Economía Circular have affirmed their commitment to sustainability by acting as the main promoters of the event and contributing with cash prizes and mentoring for the two best groups. As well as, the company Censolar offered a photovoltaic solar energy course to the best team as a prize. Companies such as Yego, Guasinei and ForEver Green have demonstrated their environmental commitment by facilitating the successful development of the event. The companies Ecoterrae, Whater, Young Water Professionals, Ongawa Adalucía and Mondo4Africa have been part of the team of experts and advisors. In addition, for the diffusion of the Climathon it was key to have the expertise and collaboration of numerous social and environmental associations.

This event is promoted by the European organization EIT Climate KIC, a knowledge and innovation community (KIC) that works to accelerate the transition towards a climate-resilient society without carbon emissions. It was created in 2015 with the aim of proposing solutions related to climate change.

This time it has been held in more than 140 cities around the world. Seville participated for the second time with a call never seen before, more than 100 registered, 16 work teams that during a weekend proposed solutions around the possible shortage of water in the organizing city.

Cities in the world

Source: Image provided by El Climathon

Source: Image provided by El Climathon



In November 2021, the lack of rain has reduced the volume of reservoir water, which led to the activation of the pre-alert state due to drought. The reservoirs that supply Seville and its metropolitan area are at 50% of their capacity. At this juncture, and according to the EMASESA Emergency Plan for drought situations, it is necessary to reduce consumption by 2 percent in the volume of the basin.

Seville and its metropolitan area are located in an area that is highly vulnerable to climate change, especially to periods of drought, where scientific forecasts warn of its periodic and systematic appearance. Seville was the first city in Spain to declare a State of Climate Emergency. Under the slogans ‘Water is life’ and ‘Objective 90’, the aim is to progressively reduce water consumption from the current 116 liters per person per day to 90, thanks to a collective effort that, beyond the users, hopes to have the collaboration of all social actors.



The team made up of Laura Barrera Sarmiento, Silvia Saraceno, Rosa María Nogueras Ferri, Javier Infantes and Jose Mª Villalba Alarcón together with the EMASESA representative, Helen Costilla García, presented Blue Footprint. Said project, aligned with the objective of the promoting company, seeks to connect farmers, the hotel industry and consumers by making them aware of the water footprint. In this sense, they have prototyped a mobile application, under the name GIRA ECO, through which consumers obtain points that they can spend on different services in the city.



By raising awareness of water consumption, it is expected to have a high impact on society as a whole to prevent and improve the management and consumption of water in the city of Seville and the metropolitan area. The Water Observatory, an entity that has collaborated with the proposal of the EMASESA Emergency Plan, will be able to verify compliance with the proposed objective.


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