Phileas Flow

Challenge 03

Climathon Seville, eCity Project

A future solution for the Seville of 2025 committed to the circular economy

Photo by Pexels, Josh Hild
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Case Study

CHALLENGE Climathon Seville, eCity Project

Phileas Flow has participated in the organization of the Climathon Sevilla together with Filosolar, Amalgama Desarrollo, Ok Planet Sevilla. It has been developed between November 19 to 21 of that year. Two challenges have been proposed to 16 work teams.

This event is promoted by the European organization EIT Climate KIC, a knowledge and innovation community (KIC) that works to accelerate the transition towards a climate-resilient society without carbon emissions. It was created in 2015 with the aim of proposing solutions related to climate change.

Seville City Council has participated in the initiative as an institutional partner. Companies and associations such as PCT Cartuja, EMASESA, Aborgase, Cátedra de Economía Circular have affirmed their commitment to sustainability by acting as the main promoters of the event and contributing with cash prizes and mentoring for the two best groups. As well as, the company Censolar offered a photovoltaic solar energy course to the best team as a prize. Companies such as Yego, Guasinei and ForEver Green have demonstrated their environmental commitment by facilitating the successful development of the event. The companies Ecoterrae, Whater, Young Water Professionals, Ongawa Adalucía and Mondo4Africa have been part of the team of experts and advisors. In addition, for the diffusion of the Climathon it was key to have the expertise and collaboration of numerous social and environmental associations.

The eCitySevilla Project is a public-private collaboration initiative led by the Junta de Andalucía, the Seville City Council, the Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT Cartuja) and Endesa, and proposes the development of a city model with an open, digital ecosystem , decarbonized and sustainable in 2025 for the island of La Cartuja.

Cities in the world

Source: Image provided by El Climathon

Source: Image provided by El Climathon



The eCitySevilla Project is considered an international pioneering Smart city initiative. Its objective is to rehabilitate an urban space such as “Isla de la Cartuja” -where 523 companies and entities coexist with nearly 23,000 workers- so that it becomes 100% self-sufficient in terms of energy and emission-free. In this sense, work is being done with a view to the year 2025, when the island will generate its own energy and have more efficient buildings, sustainable mobility and be strongly oriented towards digitization and innovation. In this way, the United Nations Energy and Climate objectives proposed for 2050, 25 years ahead, would be achieved.

The Challenge that has been raised in the Climathon consisted of integrating the circular economy in eCitySevilla, applying techniques such as eco-design, servitization or waste recovery to create circular ecosystems that reduce the consumption of materials and energy by turning waste into resources.



The team made up of Mónica Villoslada Valbuena, Marina Pérez Fernández, Gabriel Cazorla Persson and Celia Camacho Montaño had the support of PCT Cartuja representatives: Blanca Gómez and Gabriela García, presented “Re-Monda”. The team has developed a circular economy idea on future waste in eCitySevilla, PCT Cartuja. His solution proposes to generate bioplastics and 3D filament from the orange peels of the trees that will be planted on the island.



The favorable impact of the proposed solution can be compared with an energy consumption study carried out in depth prior to the launch of the program. Said document has information on the photovoltaic generation, storage and smart grid infrastructures necessary to provide coverage in a 100% sustainable manner. The improvements to be introduced in the PCT Cartuja buildings for greater energy efficiency have been analysed too.


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