Phileas Flow

Challenge 05

Zapiens AI

Human-Machine Duel: Who knows more about the SDGs?

Photo by Pexels.
3:25 min to read
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The business world is eager to incorporate new concepts and trends. Artificial Intelligence is one of those fashionable concepts that not everyone gets to understand in depth even less to glimpse its potentialities

The 2018 book, “Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence,” written by Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb, presents AI as a drop in the cost of prediction. This would reduce uncertainty in business models and processes and lead to the redesign of entire industries.

From Phileas Flow we asked ourselves if we could invite the greatest experts in the Sustainable Development Goals to face the AI ​​developed by Zapiens and see who wins the game in the knowledge of the SDGs and in the prediction of future scenarios.


Zapiens company has created knowledge management software for organizations. A tool in the cloud that allows remote training of workers and sharing internal knowledge of the company or institution.

We are looking for the most ingenious experts to challenge the Artificial Intelligence developed by them in a famous “human-machine” duel.

The objective is to give rise to an in-depth knowledge of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their work Goals.

The winner must beat the software specially developed by Zapiens for this challenge. If you succeed, you can enjoy a unique experience for a week at the Somiedo Living LAB, located in the Somiedo Natural Park, declared a natural biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

The challenge is framed in the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and specific Goals:

SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Target 4.3: By 2030, ensure equal access for all men and women to quality technical, vocational and higher education, including university education

Target 4.4: By 2030, significantly increase the number of young people and adults who have the necessary skills, in particular technical and professional skills, to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship

SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Target 9.5: Increase scientific research and improve the technological capacity of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including by fostering innovation and significantly increasing, by 2030, the number of people working in research and development per million inhabitants and the expenditures of the public and private sectors in research and development.

To have more information about Zapiens, we invite you to visit their page:


If you are a fervent expert and fascinated by technology, this CHALLENGE is designed for you.


All experts in the practice of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are welcome.


Please complete the form below with the following information:

– In the “Name” field, complete: First name and Last name.
– In the “Email” field, personal email.
– In the field “Message”, ODS chosen to be measured with the Zapiens algorithms. A contact telephone number.


Not sure which tools to use? Try one of these.
Zoom / Slack / Notion / Trello.

We await your solution

Please complete the form mentioning the challenge you wish to participate in

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