Phileas Flow

Challenge 02


How can cultural expressions enhance the creation of decent work and the tourist attractiveness of a region?

Photo by Xavier Boet
3:20 min to read
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Prosperous regions recognise art, culture and all creative activities as a factor that promotes the generation of employment and the creation of value that extends to other economic sectors, while at the same time contributing to boosting the image of the territory. 

In any case, this is a complex relationship that requires awareness of both the difficult profitability of many cultural activities and the risks of interpreting culture exclusively from an economic standpoint. In short, it is a question of the need to establish minimum conditions for combining cultural diversity, economic development and sustainability.

The United Nations has placed cultural policies in different countries at the centre. These issues will be central to this challenge and will be addressed from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.


At Phileas Flow we believe that Andalusia has an enormous artistic and cultural potential that has been compromised due to the pandemic we are experiencing worldwide.

In this sense we are selecting cultural projects and productions of a non-conventional and innovative nature that generate wealth and employment related to the Creative Industries sector, understood as Video Art, illustration, fashion, jewellery design, music, street art, performing arts, film, visual arts, installations, performance and dance.

The best five (5) initiatives will be published in the cultural magazine Poet Fanzine #6. 

In its 6th edition Poet will also deal with Andalusian culinary art through its protagonists and local producers.

The aim is to highlight the gastronomic and tourist sectors of Andalusia.The edition will have a very careful art direction with photographs by Xavier Boet from Barcelona.

It is vitally important to contextualise the Fanzine within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030 proposed by the United Nations; for which the magazine is proposed as a disseminator of the Agenda in the following objectives: 

SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

SDG 9: Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Previous issues of Poet Fanzine can be viewed on the website:


– Your project is looking for national and international exposure to take it to the next level.
– Your team is looking for funding for new productions and needs greater visibility and recognition.
– You are looking for synergies with other economic sectors for hybrid collaborations.
– You deserve greater recognition and visibility in the cultural sphere.


– You are an active protagonist of Andalusian culture with an innovative project or with the application of new technologies.
– You value gastronomy as a promoter of local art and culture.
– You are passionate about the influence of culinary art in the history and idiosyncrasy of a region as important as Andalusia.


Please complete the form below with the following information:

– In the “Name” field, complete: university, company, audiovisual production company, cultural production company, dance company, etc.
– In the “Email” field, the team manager’s email.
– In the field “Message”, description of the solution. (maximum of 300 characters) Differential factors and innovation contributed. A contact telephone number.


Not sure which tools to use? Try one of these.
Zoom / Slack / Notion / Trello

We await your solution

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